Chloe Gwynne


I started teaching in the traditional way at the beginning of 2010. Before that I had studied Naturopathy and Herbalism, and had practised them for about seven years.

I was practising natural medicine up to 2010 when my father happened to need help with his teaching. Soon after I started, I decided to take it up full time. That is how it came about that I started teaching school subjects over the Internet (Skype). It was an obvious thing to do because my father was doing this new form of teaching with great success, and I was able to fit in easily with helping with his pupils.

From the start, I taught Latin principally, but English, Mathematics and History as well. Although having not experienced when at school the traditional, systematic way that my father was using with such extraordinary success in terms of results, I quickly saw the dramatic difference between this teaching and the modern teaching I had experienced, and had no difficulty in picking up quickly what I must call real teaching, and witnessing its effectiveness for myself.

That was fourteen years ago. I can now claim wide experience, since I have been teaching people from all ages, from three year olds to people in their fifties. With pupils in places all over the United States and Mexico, The West Indies, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, and … even the U.K.!

My teaching media have been mainly the Internet but also formal classrooms as in the Idler Academy in London, where I have given courses of six or eight weeks in both Latin and in English Grammar.

I have also been invited to visit schools in England and America where I demonstrated traditional teaching in action.

To see how people have gained from my teaching, my testimonials are perhaps the best evidence, and I hope you will look at these.

Even more vivid may be just one not untypical piece of anecdotal evidence. I recently set as a test an English sentence to translate into a Latin sentence to a student of mine aged twelve whom I had been teaching Latin for two years. He took twenty minutes over it, and got it completely right. As it happens, exactly the same sentence had been given earlier to an eighteen-year-old who had just an A* in his Latin A-level and was about to go to Cambridge to read Classics there. In that very same sentence he made no fewer than twelve mistakes. Yes, twelve.

Nothing, could show up more clearly the difference in effectiveness between the traditional tried-and-tested teaching and even the best of the modern ones, or for that matter, the extent to which the collapse of the learning caused by the modern methods is disguised by the system of marking in present-day exams.

Pupils’ and parents’ testimonials about my teaching methods and results can be seen HERE.