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Is our teaching the best in the world?

Is the question absurd? We think you may find the evidence supporting our “absurd” suggestion to be in fact remarkably compelling.

To read more visit THIS page.


Lessons “face to face” via Skype.

One to one tuition or small groups.

Cramming for exams via Skype or Home Visit.

All ages 2 – 82.


Latin, English Grammar, Greek, French, Mathematics
and most other standard academic subjects.


+44 (0)20 7243 6193

Current News.

N. M. Gwynne is doing traditional teacher training at Dumfries House, Ayrshire, from the 7th to 9th of August 2017
For more details click here.

The Hon. William Sackville, the future Earl De La Warr, getting stuck into his education!